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The Litteral Middle of Nowhere

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It's almost Christmas! And I think Hanukah is almost over and so is Kwanzaa is too, I think, lol I'm not so good with dates, but still I'm pretty sure, so I'm wrapping all my extra gifts but me and Kris have put out ch 6 and chapter 7 is going through the spell and grammer editing proecss and will be soon to follow!!
YAY!! Finally we've updated it's a miracle!!! Okay, we have a new author! O score! Kristen, who is the co-author of DCH is now helping us, so we'll have more chapters up when you want them! Chapter 3, 4, and 5, and 6 and 7 soon to follow, are up! Also a page for all you webpage owners, to take our banner html code and put it up on your page! Damn it's been a while since I updated so I'm pretty durn' proud of myself. I've been reading "Harry Potter" by J.K. Rowling, and if you have checked them out yet, I recommend you do, these are GREAT books! *lu*
Info on Album X and a list of links have been added!
Still....sigh...impatiently waiting for Megan's chapter, so I fixed up a few little things on the site. I dunno what else to say, I have a major report due tommarrow so I think this'll be all the updates for today.
Hey guys I finally i have a chance to update. I've been really busy, cause i have two reports due like next week, but i manged to type up chapter 2 and post it, and fix up the thing with frames. okay check it out!
Hey guys I'm working on chapter 2, thank the lord, and hopefully it will be done soon, then Meg can start on the next chapter. Looks like I'm going to be busy doing some lawn work this weekend, duh leaves damn new england, but I hope to have this lame frames thing done soon, oookay hope to see the computer sometime this weekend!
Hey guys this is Lucy, I know this is kinda confusing for the fact that everything is messed up. I'm working on getting everything together and getting it up. Hopefully this weekend I'll have some time to work on editing all the chapters. Megan and Linds are helping me, kinda but I think they have projects to do this week. So do I, but its due in like a month, but what do u care lol? Anyone know anything about Radon? lol Anyways check back soon for updates and new info.

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